Java Hello World

Environment Set Up

	Download JDK 9 from :
If the above link is broken or you want to download some other version, then go to the link
and download jdk 9.	

Navigate to the directory where jdk is downloaded
root@navneet:/home/navneet# tar xvfz jdk-9_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
root@navneet:/home/navneet# export PATH=$PATH:/complete..Path/jdk-9/bin
root@navneet:/home/navneet# java -version
java version "9"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9+181)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9+181, mixed mode)
Result of java -version may vary depending on the version you have in path.
If it's different that means you already have another version of JAVA in path, remove that first and follow above steps again.

Environment Set Up In Eclipse

Add JDK9 Plugin to eclipse
Go to link:
and download eclipse specific to your system 
Add a jdk 9 plugin to eclipse 
Adding a Plugin is very easy just Open Eclipse and go to Help->Eclipse Market Place, then drag and drop the "Install" component from the following link

My First JAVA Program using jdk 9

root@navneet:/home/navneet# mkdir java9-demo
root@navneet:/home/navneet# cd java9-demo
root@navneet:/home/navneet# touch
Use your favourite editor and add following text to file :
package coreJava.collections.list; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("My First Java Program"); } }
root@navneet:/home/navneet/java9-demo# javac
root@navneet:/home/navneet/java9-demo# java HelloWorld
Command java HelloWorld shall print the following line on console
My First Java Program
click here To learn new features introduced in JAVA9
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